Saturday, January 29, 2011


Charlotte Larscabal
Age: 21
Height: the perfect height
Eye Color: brown
Expectations for future spouse: a husband who can cook, because then we can cook together. We will dance around the kitchen while we wait for the water to boil so we can cook some pasta.
Permission to Facebook stalk: It's to be expected.

Amber Mozina
Age: 22
Height: an adorable one
Eye Color: green
Expectations for future spouse: a husband who will vacuum. Vacuums are heavy. I really hate that. Plus, I don't want my right arm to get bigger than my left.
Permission to Facebook stalk: only because I know it will be the highlight of your day--I'm that interesting.

Ashley Dye
Age: 21
Height: the attractive kind
Eye Color: hazel
Expectations for future spouse: a husband who can fix things, because if my basement floods, I won't know what to do. He could come home, and I would be hammering away, building a boat.
Permission to Facebook stalk: Like it matters if I say no. I know you're going to anyway. C'mon.

Caitlin Lamb
Age: 21
Height: respectable
Eye color: kind brown
Expectations for future family: Caitlin is in Tasmania so she can't answer this question.
Permission to Facebook stalk: does it count as stalking if she gives permission?