Babies and The Jimmer. Can life get any better? Both with sweet little innocent baby faces. Both at the beginning of an important lifelong journey. Both with infinite potential. Both at very different stages of life. As most of you know, I am very proud of our new little Bronson. I am also an avid basketball fan and a disciple (in the "follower of" sense of the word) of The Jimmer. I've been pondering much about life and it's wonders in the last couple of months, and I've come to realize some very important things.
One, we are all so special. We all started out as completely helpless individuals that were 100% dependent on those who cared for us. Two, we never stop being special. Just because you may grow up and not become nearly as cute as you used to be (like me), we still are doing very important things and have undiscovered potential. You may be thinking, "How can the drudgery of eeking out my mundane living as a college student be all that important?" Well, take a step back and think of how far you've come. Think back to the person you were in high school and who you are now. Think of all the amazing things you are learning every day, and the wealth of knowledge that is at your fingertips. Whether you realize it or not, your life is blessed and will continue to be blessed as you live the gospel.
You are the difference maker in someone's life. Am I ever going to be as deadly as The Jimmer on the hardwood (fingers crossed)? Probably not. But I am important to my baby boy and more importantly, to my Heavenly Father.